Following Your Passions Leads to Greatness

In an ideal world, we’d all love our jobs. When we can work with enthusiasm, doing something we truly like, it fires our creativity, our energy and our stamina. It also spills over into our personal life in positive ways. We can accomplish great things. Jack Haskel, trail information specialist for the Pacific Crest Trail Association – a guy who loves his job – talked to recently about a man who followed his passions and became an American icon, John Muir. Muir founded the Sierra Club, the American environmental movement and was personal hiking buddy to President Teddy Roosevelt. The stretch of trail that began what would eventually become the Pacific Crest Trail is named after him. And it’s also likely there would be no National Park system without him. That’s following your passions. “If anything, he was just a fan of natural places and getting out and walking and protecting places, so the spirit can soar,” Haskel says. “He just wrote a lot and promoted the

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