Tag Archives: basic

Is Your Water Chlorine-Free?

Water is one of those basic elements of life a lot of Western civilization tends to take for granted. We don’t give it much thought unless there’s a reason. Well, here’s a pretty good one: chlorine. You might be thinking: “I filter my drinking water, so I’m good!” It’s not the drinking water we’re talking about. We’re talking about the water that goes on your skin. “It’s completely dehydrating and damaging,” says organic skin care expert Kim Walls. “It’s horrible for the microbiome [natural beneficial microorganisms residing in our bodies]. It’s horrible for the skin’s cell structure. It’s horrible for the mitochondria. It’s horrible with the energy source of the skin cells. It reduces the skin’s ability to regenerate and to turn over and it’s those new, fresh turnover cells that actually have that beautiful glow.” And while you’re in the shower thinking you’re doing your body good, you might actually be doing your skin a disservice. The h